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H4XLabs / H4D 2022 Stanford Cohort Companies

CausalTwin empowers UUVs and UAVs with on-demand machine vision software for new use-cases and capabilities in the unmanned inspection space. They seek to digitally twinnify and provide continuous monitoring of mission-critical underwater assets. CausalTwin participated in the National Security Innovation Network (NSIN) Challenge for ballast tank inspection and they were selected to participate as finalists.
Dextral is reversing the nation’s shrinking defense industrial base. They use software to source Department of Defense opportunities so sales teams don’t have to while also providing military acquisitions teams with an on-demand tech scout.
Lamarr’s software solutions provide reliable, high bandwidth, low latency IP-based communications simultaneously across multiple transport layers at all times.
Saif AI is unlocking the next data goldmine – video. By leveraging insights from video, their customers can do everything from enhancing security to driving revenue and customer engagement. Saif remains engaged with both Law Enforcement and private schools and universities as part of ongoing customer discovery.
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